Tuesday, June 6, 2017

From Durham

Bull city cool
Means a nightclub
With bocce in the back. 

Durm has the illicit
Breath of an unshowered

DURM equals
The strength of a smokers
Hack divided by its
Patio beer garten appeal

Durham has a blue soul
That shines in dusk
And cares for your quality time

Duke makes a great 
Tie clip and ballpoint pen. 

Seventy year old alums
 and undergrads 
With apeish grins
Patrolling the storied
Oaks and columns and
Courthouses and brothels

Frat essence is the
Weighty gazes of ironic
Nicety impinging on
Barbarous crimson lust

Nervy carboro goons
That flex insouciant
And careen their dirges
Through your bull town
Long enough that they have
Erected a model home

Secret cruel and false
Still linger inside the 
Hollowed out tobacco factories
And slave fields and 
Mind the ancient country homes
 stained from deposed economies

Basketball is not a religion

But if it were this is Antioch
Addis Adaba 
and Zion all rolled into one. 

Durham denies
Involvement but I cannot figure
The source of sour pickled
Deep fried chicken on
A sourdough waffle

We make rattling sounds
As air is sucked out of lungs
By the massive implosive of 
Blue devil athletes
Imbibing their own

Delicate greens souced 
In bloodless remediation
And served aside a light
PatĂȘ of indigents' bone

Digital corpulence 

Geer st stud shakes his
Halo on the corner like
A dervish under the
Lightless new moon

Corporate street 
Feels downright slumy
Next to the sleek marble
Inside every durm-era
Lovers' heart. 

Local cotton 
Isn't something you'll ever
Find (or desire)
In Michigan, but the Carolinian
Considers cotton A Matter Suitable 

and as soon as they forget 
It's no longer picked by hand
It will be artisanal too

Friday, February 12, 2016

Waiting at the Free Throw Line

I am the shallow God pausing heaven
To check a message online.

I am the divorced magnate that
cannot stop earning to be served.

I am the balding talent scout
whose envy guides his pen's stroke.

All lettuce should be green or tan.

I am a mortal rubber band
stretched around infinity.

I am tired of the lying eyes
of nightclerks and valets.

I am an auto wreck of dismissal

overturned eighteen wheeler
buried in a drift.

We don't float on:
no toll, no passage.

The corner inverts itself
to put out your eye
if you gaze too long.

Habeas corpus; show me how
to find where my body ends.

I am trying to redirect the flows 
that are too natural for broadcast.

I am the declawed cat batting
at a flimsy mouse of yarn.

I am the damp-pitted night manager
whose footsteps ring out dread.

I am a battery
soon to freeze to the lakebed muck.

This is all to say:
Anyone can make a scene,
anyone with talent can make a song,
but all time left on the clock won't come off to see you win it.


The thought leader stops
mid-sentence to order his thoughts
And the bridge of his armless lenses,
then calls to the communicants

"We've got to reconfigure status quo
non-synergistic adversarial business
relations and time-bounded multi-variabilty 
concurrent exposure analyses"

Each sweatsocked Communicant
wrested tight against the typing 
device cradled immaculately in
tremulous fingerless gloves
and   absorbing 
infinitudes of algorithmic joy 

The banner above his head reads



The glass wand is tippled 
to the glass of his lenses and the
Statistical Feedback Projection
is aired above the communicants 
while they work, fastidious little
tinkles at their devices growling
and steam around their ruby ears
as the thought leader repairs
to the bottom of the projection
examining flashing screens like
a nun to invalid limbs 
And he screams in a singeing lurid breath:




and wire-wrapped chains shining like mercury
stream from the Teleportholes at the feet 
of the Communicants adorned with
sensors and blinking diodes like crown jewels
and crawl up the backs of the legs of the 
Communicants and come out their sleeves
shooting woven metal tendrils over their
fingertips and coursing shocks of light while

Communicants record the thoughts 
of the Thought Leader
to the pitch and cadence and 
restructure his 
Thought Matrices for relevance
and cross-referenced dictum consistency to
be pulsed out into Ear Vessels,
Mugaphons and Listening Jackets 
and to all the Rice Leaders and 
Spooly Feces Leaders and Tractor
Leaders and Xanthan Nougat 
Production Leaders and to
all of the Valiant workers
In the land who labor
justly under the paragonal 
Moment-changers of the
Thought Leader at his helm.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Life On The Third Coast

In the Summers we are Greek,
always tan bodied and often shirts left
We forget where now
And it's swimming and drinking
Of wine and sitting by a fire
On the beach.

And in the Winters we are Norse, 
wrapped in woolen everything
And eating cream sauce and pickled
Things and drinking warm meads
And we curl up by
The fires in our hearth. 

In between--
The heart clicks its heels and
Says good night before twelve,
Beating the groundhog

And the maple leaves to bed. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Belle Isle and After

I showed how I put whiskey
into water to drink it without chasing.
Then they got it, to them the
Amber evening water took like moose to a bog.

The lichen was a pillow just as
the first winded fawn took to laying,
and so this is how I become a man--
once I'm needed, I'm made so.

. . .

Last night we finished off our whiskey
and pan-seared two lakers and a coho.
A hearty fish meal, so wisely all of
the whiskey drank on empty stomachs first.

We stood on the rock and moss outcropping
with arching down and away to the Lake
on all our sides but forward where we took
pictures and heavy fog settled among the other islands.

. . .

Came into the docks of Rock Harbor on a long
raining and chilled August day to set
across the channel to the big Island, rain
and whitecaps coming across steady as oak root.

For dress that rain-soaked, hard-paddling day:
polypropylene sock liners, costco woolies,
standard briefs and gray disintegrating jeans,
chaco belt, white long-sleeve top, rain jacket,

plastic bags and garbage bags and my keen water shoes
and I stayed driest and settled just for that.

Fortune/Fortuna I


The peddler holds his eyes over the handle
bars and focuses on the street's cracks as far
down the way he can possibly manage

Tricks are the snap in his ear--
the very tricky leaves breaking beneath him
and his two smooth tires as the road
leads him far away from his home

Firepits he smelled last night still
pour out the odor of burned wood,
charred tree's flesh and charcoal and ash
like the mind of an alchemist unbent

Categories rip by his ears like street signs
and parked cars: admissible evidence;
Americanized cuisines; variations in
maple teeth; disrupted comedy routines.

Poultry; Vices; amateur athletics;
the list could go on as long as his
legs churn the pedals. The road has
begun to pitch down, quite slightly,
quietly and with a slightness all its own.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


When I step outside my head will tilt back
and I wonder why
until I remember I must scan the dark sky
for some trace of the moon

full, half, sliver.

to remind me it's still the night's Sun
and the things under it
remain possible.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Rainy Day at Echo Lake

In deep of eyes shut as
scene gypsy gravel and opalescent owl 
bridgestone bridegroom blues 
and a hawk beating by like a helicopter.

The sun’s not out yet but brother blue sky 
is peeling back the grey and free 
blueberries grow around the vessels
colored bows.

I Swaying sidesaddle between a jack pine 
and his cousin white 
feeling chatter from other actioneers 
or low ground squirrels and some fish jumping by.

Feel serenely trumps while

tomorrow winds away. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Trying Interior Lighting

How do you break off
something that is only real insofar
as you recognize it?

The clue from logicians points towards

But the act of forgetting is impossible
insofar as it is a non-act—a function of non-ness.

The reason we recall the things we'd like to forget
is the same reason we cannot get that fucking song
out of our heads.

To release a mind-thing is as difficult as is to create one.

Falling between cracks is your best bet:
get a new job, follow local sports teams,
bet on said sports teams and feel devastated when
you lose. Find hobbies that need nothing but
seamless concentration and follow through.
Go to conventions.

Do not get into bed to fall asleep
unless you're absolutely exhausted.

Day dream only of sex and money and ridiculous things
like dirigible world tours and escape artists that drown
in the shark tank and never see the air hose to their left.

Follow the news. Become engulfed in the news.
Become a news guru who is deep down dying
from the phonetic idiocy of the twenty-four hour cycle.

Regret everything, so long as you don't think,
because thinking means remembering,
and it is not what you want.

Don't think about what you want.
Deny even wanting anything and insist (both to yourself and others)
that you're floating placidly, even keeled,
rolling with the waves, relaxing in the doldrums.

Don't acknowledge boredom or fear,
these are things for the weak and those who remember.

Drink when you're in a social gathering and it's
socially acceptable and when you're in a social gathering
where a flask of scotch won't be noticed and
especially when alone and not busy.
Don't be “not busy”.

Funnel funds from fenced goods into an offshore account.
Take up squash.
Don't think too much about it.

Find a crevice to crawl into when hung over.
Make this crevice comfortable.
Decorate your crevice and never let anyone see it.

Think only when necessary, and when
the paths of your thoughts are fully predictable.

Never picture her face.
Never look at a picture of her face.
Forget every identifying characteristic of her face:

the tiny pink vee of gums that you see
under her upper lip when she smiles as wide as she can
and her lips curls up a bit:
dimples in rose:
eyes that recede from a stare; positively glimmer at a glance:
dream-like lashes and edges of incisors somehow mythic:
corners of the lips that curl in a frown or smile, just
how you imagine that Athena might makes faces—
never remember these things.

Grind down your teeth while you're sleeping
because the stress of forgetting is intense.

Borrow a massage pillow to help with the anxiety
of forgetting and remembering only shallow things
that let you sleep or watch TV without twitching
and trying not to remember.

Obsess over recycling.
Obsess over the intricacies of local conservation efforts
or the Dow or tennis form or trying to cry during old movies
or fingering the last corn nut without turning the bag upside down.

Obsess about your petty obsessions.
Change everything about how you eat.
Sleep without a pillow.
Get your hair Styled and Colored by a Professional
and when you're dissatisfied 3 days later go back and demand a refund.
Feign outrage. Don't consider.

Don't look at old pictures because
old pictures (even if she is not in them or even related)
will summon old memories of when you were less old
than you are now and this is merely a path of remembrance:
And remember: to forget is to live without this thing
you're trying to break off, and since it won't exist
if you don't acknowledge it

(truly) isn't this just it? Isn't this winning? Aren't you
a bare white dish of bone laid out for the feast
and never thinking
of the ox's hip and leg and body
you once belonged to?

Friday, April 4, 2014

A Twelve Thousand Year Love Affair

Agriculture gave us acne,
The Plague, and tooth decay. 

We gave her
Transgenic soybeans, algal blooms
And the dying of Winter. 

We have never 
been happier. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Onyx Egg

I bought an egg of onyx
and a skull made from balsa wood
in the airy marketplace of Otavalo.

The plaza de ponchos a labyrinth
of cascading tapestries and pure
Alpaca knits and walls of sweaters

Felt hats and straw hats hechas a mano
and chintzy wooden trinkets and
a trunk of crumbling catechism books.

The sizzle of porks and skins and
Corn frying and a batter of cornmeal
touching the ears of everyone alike, even the

Wine creased face folded on the sidewalk
mumbling for sueltos and garnering no gazes,
his green felt hat dirigible and grimed

And the filthy tiny mutt dog lying beside
with scruffed sores and bent ears,
their plot and plight ignored as Chinese silks

by all but certainly by the man selling coca treats
and maté teas and leaves to chew for three dollars
but we haggle down to three for five

And flying about drunk munching hojas de coca
through bustle and rigor and pale, thrifty Germans
with thick wollen jackets abounding

and patterns of alpaca prancing through their zippers
all vanilla faced gringos like we are,
snatching up the droppings of the Andes

and leaving greenbacks for farmers and their

Friday, March 7, 2014

Learning Still

Slept out in a refuge,
A wooden platform with roof, the night,
Lauding open air and openness 
And alarm of cheery birds
And blankets of jackets
And sheets of tent fibers
And noble clouds growing
For our breakfast. 

Time again to rise and march
Down the mountainside
Between steep farms and 
Fences groaning trunks
Weaved with barbed wire
To valley, and city, and people. 

The exalted quiet of desert forest
Was my teacher for a night. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cosmic Drama - Tat Tat Tat. . .

I've always known 
the games you play,
You hide in eight part harmony 

In every one 
and thing and time
From salmon, Georgia, and the blind

You lie your lie
You think is true, beguiling stars
And mortal woe. 

You're hid so well 
we've plum forgot 
It's Turtle-turtle, bottom-up.

From wisdom 
Sheltered, knowledge, void,
The matter is we're all annoyed.

From me right now, 
you're hiding too--
You're all that is and I am too. 

Tat Tvam Asi

Monday, February 17, 2014

Light Pollution

Do you hear that?
It's the whispering of stars
To their neighbors. 

Do you see that?
It's a thousand suns being born
In the blink of your eye.

Do you feel that?
It's the full moon swelling
In it's womb. 

Let us not forget distant
Glimmers of hope
While our world devours itself. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Road to Puyo

The scent of the hog hanging by it's snout from a thatched tienda 
we zip by on rented beat-up mountain bikes and the jungle road to Puyo
all filling up with a longing for something holy and foreign. 

Eighteen wheeled rumble and honk, leaving little spaces 
For tires and legs and raw feelings of spraying rain 
And the tilt of my head and frame to avoid 
the rooster tail whipping up into my eyes. 

A tunnel approaches on la izquierda 
we keep a la derecha onto la ciclovia of octagonal tiles striped lengthwise 
with sopping cobblestone and sometimes gravel 
and sometimes mud and sometimes puddles and sometimes a stream 
that comes a third up the wheel and peppers you everywhere with agua sucia. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Maple - Fall - Stream (draft 2)

Several hypotheses occurred without evidence:
Openings in choral forests drown in the sun's
utter light, the omission of umbrage, foliage.

A leaf that was holy in its fingerling etchings.
This was no mistake of voracious feeding,
of a scaled pinching insect.

Circuit grazing empties skin
with the sureness of itself as canvas--
carbon detaching itself to find a mate,
a something that combines.

A little bit of every something in the shape
of this leaf, the flowering river waves
dense with shadow, steeped in silt.

The twitching (stained glass workshops)
of the scaled pinching insect manifest
the mouth of God Inside.

The little bit left in-between
comprising strokes.

The left behind composes more
than the glimmer on the stream.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sunless Morning v2

The morning of the 26th of September
all of the frost was in my teeth and hair.

I had it out the night before with a witch
who claimed to turn hawk's tails
into animal souls and sodden cardboard into their bodies.

The nightwinds blew into howls
as she leaned her crooked back against
a big birch and sang to leaves as they fell.

I had my hands around a dead branch that had fallen
as she flicked her gnarled fingers through the air.

I kept saying This is Nature!
this is nature
not your stodgy incantations, frump

she just smiled and continued loosing letters
into the waning light of the moon.

              This a fortune told
              now this is a spell 
              of some substance 

A talisman she held
above her head and thrust into the bark:
orange wire wrapped around the notches of a cross,
the cross with a loop, copper and steel:

the ankh came from her fingers 
and stuck into the tree.

Cross a witch as she gilds a spirit and it will follow you.
The pine marten switches feet as it hops across the dirt,
I've been still, watching from the window a sunless morning,
watching as it hops along, tracing frost through soil

and leaving snow amid its tracks.


Happy as a swale he climbed to the sandy peak and cast eyes to the sweetwater sea before him. The sun was setting on Lake Michigan equal in spirit to his eyes as they followed through wave and spray and gas and dust. Sixteen gulls wheeled through his sight before the Sun met its end beyond the horizon and each one had its feet lifted to its body. The zooming gulls caught light on their wings and swore to the moon as it lifted itself up beyond the layers of vapor. Several stars peaked through abating fill of rosepink clouds meager at their edges, more moderate nearer the moon. The first brightest light met the eyes as a vision filled the mind, suddenly, the visage of Mars appearing glow-red. As rosy fingers gave way to blue nigh dark the breeze carried smoldering pine boughs to the mouth and nostrils, pleasing memories. Turning to see deeply above, he fell back to antiquity glinting from the stars gazing down to him and the fire he had made. Stooped over a dry stake prodding fire with his neck crook'd to the sky as before and before and before man had done to see.  The guiding light below his feet cast for fortunes and dreams, the ones above for fate and season.  Perching as he had below the night above the sweetwater sea with fire at his feet, a timeless ritual glowing around and in him

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunless Morning

The morning of the 26th of September
all of the frost was in my teeth and hair.

I had it out the night before with a witch
who claimed to turn severed tails
into animal souls
and sodden cardboard into their bodies.

The nightwinds blew into howls
as she leaned her crooked back against
a big birch and sang to leaves as they fell.

I had my hands around a dead branch that had fallen
as she flicked her gnarled fingers through the air.

I kept saying This is Nature!
this is nature
not your stodgy incantations, frump

she just smiled and continued loosing letters
into the waning light of the moon.

This a fortune told, now this is a spell 
of some substance, this the talisman she held
above her head and thrust into the peeling bark:

orange wire wrapped around the notches of a cross,
the cross with a loop, copper and steel:
the ankh came from her fingers 
and stuck into the tree.

Cross a witch as she gilds a spirit and it will follow you.
The pine marten switches feet as it hops across the dirt,
I've been still, watching from the window a sunless morning,
watching as it hops along, tracing frost through soil

and leaving snow amid its tracks.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life's flesh

I feel it everywhere, the bite and suck of life's flesh at my lips as its juices trickle down my front and the sweetness it can hold is wrung all from the fibers. A fiend's rush to his dope is the kiss I suck from each dull hallway waiting library sucker punch reception room drizzle desked office spacing drear. You pushed me out like a dragging soaking dog from the clean carpet tombs and white-blind bedroom spots of earth flung to the flowers all mashed beneath my heels as I glanced up at a beatific moon shining through the window in your eyes and without it I couldn't show you how I rang so truly when you clocked me that night, with your tongue so tight wrapping itself around my cerebellum's cord and thrusting heart that then I leaked all purple light and have not stopped since trying to hurl myself toward the rawness of indiscretion and in seeing you opening like a lotus first budding at the magic of my mouth and the fire oh the fire you sent from your eyes to mine the very halo sunning vibrant gods from crypto-Roman mountain peaks that minute you walked up to me and felt eager to feel me eagerly that minute I surrendered to the rush inside us both.

About Me

All poetry is supposed to be instructive but in an unnoticeable manner; it is supposed to make us aware of what it would be valuable to instruct ourselves in; we must deduce the lesson on our own, just as with life. -Goethe